Cloud Based Digital Signage is not new to the market. Like other tech ideas and concepts, generally the best ideas are a mixture of timing, affordability and the maturity of the underlying technology.


Timing is super critical. When looking back at the history of Apple, the iPhone wasn’t really their first shot at a mobile market. The Apple Newton was their first attempt, and it didn’t do so well. It’s not to say that it was a completely bad device, but was the market really ready for it? The technology that we take for granted today, like capacitive touch screens, bluetooth, wifi, and modern, user friendly websites, simply wasn’t around, and made the handheld PDA a nightmare to use.

Digital Signage is on that same course. With the introduction of Smart TVs, or Smart Dongles, business owners have the ability to show content on their screens quite easily. But that’s about it. Media is generally trapped on that screen, and if they dongle is in a hard to reach place, forget about regular updates.

Cloud Digital Signage Solutions

This is really where the Cloud based digital signage comes into play. Although not much has changed in the screen side of the world (unless you start looking at those 4K beauties), the “Smart” aspect of TV screens have. Now, in our Wifi Ready, and internet of everything world, we’ve allowed our Televisions just another glimpse of hope to survive.

Enter Retail Live – a digital signage platform that allows you to seamlessly upgrade content on 1 screen, or 1000’s of screens anywhere in the world from your device. The platform allows you to control your devices, the media that is playing on it, and even allows you to schedule times for specific content in advance. All you have to do is plug and play into any existing HDMI enabled TV Screen, Monitor or even an Android Tablet.

So why now?

With the costs of large, wifi enabled screens coming down in price, there is no better time to invest in digital signage. Coupled with the availability of Cloud based digital signage, the affordability of the software and the technology behind it, it’s the perfect storm to get your business ready for the signage revolution.

Stop wasting money on print media – move to digital and experience better conversions, with less paper, less overheads and no more expensive printing costs.